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Humans of WCTA

For this project, we had to take a picture of ourselves anywhere on campus and, with and partner, have an interview about ourselves. Here is the interview: 

What is your biggest fear?

“My biggest fear is if something were to happen to my friends or family. I would be devastated.”

Why did you come to West Tech?

“I don’t really know who or what I want to be when I’m older and I thought this was a good place to figure that out.”

Have you traveled anywhere that has inspired you?

“I haven’t traveled a lot of places and when I did go somewhere, I was really small so I don’t remember much. I know that I want to see more and maybe later something will inspire me, but nothing has caught my eye at the moment.”

What do you want to be when you’re older?

“I don’t know completely, but I love writing and taking pictures. I would hope that I become a writer or someone who can make a difference, but I’m still figuring that out.”

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